Saturday 7 December 2019

The Confluence

Flash Fiction 9:

They feared losing their sovereignty over their selves. He doesn't want her to want him. Neither does she want him to desire her. Still they both secretly wanted to be with each other. The stream of love gradually gushed into their nerves. This tension kept them both away yet closer. The mental conflict was unbearable. Running apart from one another only made it worse. They decided to face it that day, after all they're colleagues and have spoken before. They saw each other in their office canteen. He said hi, she smiled. They could hear their hearts beat swifter than usual. Their spirits danced inside. The situation was both delicate and overwhelming. They looked off each other to calm their nerves. It was crazy. Once they had put their guards down, the floodgates of desire went unfastened.  Nothing after that could stop those streams from coming together.

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