Thursday, 14 March 2019

Dark Fiction

Did the moon
 leave the sky
As the sun rises,
and glares the eye
Isn't night just
 a day away?
What took my lady
While I was away?

Hiding under 
A veil of ignorance;
Is my longing
A trail of images?
Lightning of sorts;
Don't you hear
my thunderstorms?
Ms butterfly!

The black sky
awaits it's moon.
The stars are not
It's friends.
after the rain,
There is sunshine-but
Where is the warmth?
Ms Melancholy!

Empty nights
And hollow dreams
Heavenly curse?
Or hell's disguise?
As you keep me wait
My unanswered call
This story needs an end
Ms Silence!

Many a moon
Have passed.
Since this sky
Lost its crescent.
Of clouds all night
Are you light years
Away from my Earth?

You needed your space
You said. Yes, very well!
You're not a show piece
You're not for world to wonder
You're but the empress
Of all evenings!
Do come back, when you feel
The colors of my rainbow!

I'm in the breeze 
that passes by.
I'm in the song
You hear across.
Listen to the sky!
Lyrics of my life song
breathe thy name.
Without thee, What am I?
 a dark fiction!

                                                                         The Sky.


  1. Cool. Happy to read macccha.
    Suits your description 'a romantic' well.
