Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Guardians of Culture

Keep off the grass!
says a warning board.
but the little lilly 
awaits its ardent admirer.
From Plants to trees,
Shrubs and bushes- they're
cropped and trimmed
and axed to align.

Chirping birds sing
charming songs but 
the gates are fastened by 
the guards of the garden.

Keep off the grass!
says a warning board.
but the little lilly
awaits its ardent admirer. 

From children to teachers,
Big boys to small girls - 
there're orders and instruction
crafted to cultural perfection.

Chirping birds sing
charming songs but 
the doors of minds fastened 
by the lords of the land.

Trek through a forest- immerse
Into the wilderness of its wisdom
Immense possibilities exist
Choice is yours, forest or garden?


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