The Disputed Romance
I look for thee on the sky,
the moon whispers thy secrets.
Stars so engrossed in little gossips,
they stare at me and giggle.
I look for thee on the rainbow,
All its colors fritter away.
Rain drops hit; winds blow,
To set me free from your sway.
You be this, you be that.
Can I keep my eyes shut?
When you, my fair lady!
Move so elegantly as you strut?
Warmth of the Moon, I feel.
White bright circle is not all I see.
Little stories of the stars, I read- to
Look at the canvas is my heed.
Lonely passer-by passes by the river.
He has no intention to fish
In the running rage of a runnel.
He slurps a few water to nourish.
Now tell me, Oh sweet heart!
Need I to fathom
the depth of an ocean
to understand it's passion?
Truth has many colors.
Yours may be yellow.
Mine may be maroon- Yet
it's neither black, not white.
As I turn your book
page after page,
The world awaits
unspoken truth.
As I unwrap the gift of life
one after the other,
The beauty lays bare;
look how I found you in me!